Tax Planning

Tax Planning and ComplianceWhether you are a start up, sole proprietor or an incorporated business, our goal is to help you focus on your operations as we take care of your accounting and compliance needs. These services include, but not limited to, bookkeeping, preparing annual tax returns, HST returns, Payroll and corresponding with the CRA.

We focus on achieving the most effective tax results for you by constantly keeping up to date with the changing laws and regulations. We ensure you are taking advantage of all deductions and tax credits available to you and your business. We understand every client is unique, so we tailor our services to your needs, whether it’s your personal or corporate taxes. Our goal for tax preparation and planning is not only to minimize tax burdens, but also minimize risk and maximize value by review the effectiveness of corporate structures from a long term perspective.

Our firm also provides the following tax planning services

  • Owner-manager tax planning
  • Designing remuneration strategies
  • Selling your business or planning an exit strategy
  • Corporate tax planning
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • Asset transfers
  • Amalgamations and wind-ups
  • Restructuring of corporate share capital
  • Annual planning and compliance services
  • Personal tax planning
  • Corresponding with the CRA for requests & ruling